Printable Basic Invoice Template

Basic Invoice Template for Your Business

Invoice can be defined as a notice that you send to your clients or customers to notify them about the payment due for the services performed or products purchased. Different businesses may have different formats of invoice. Anyway, you have to understand well about the basic invoice template.


 How to Write a Basic Invoice Template

There are some steps that you need to follow in writing a basic invoice form. Creating a header is the first step. The header can be started with the name of your business. If your business does not have a name, you can type your full name.


After the business’ name, you can include the business’ contact information. Provide the detailed contact information such as address, phone number, website, email address, etc. If there is social media that let the clients to connect to your business, you can also add it.

A business usually has a logo, especially if it is a big or experienced business. If your business has a logo, you also have to include it. You can also make a personal logo if you want. If there is no logo, you can skip it.

The second step is to provide the information of the recipient & invoice. You can start with the contact information of the recipient. For example, it relates to the recipient’s full name, complete address, phone, etc.

In relation to the invoice, you cannot forget the invoice number. Besides that, you also need to include the invoice date. The next is invoice due date. Invoice date is when the invoice is made whereas invoice due date is when the invoice should be paid.

It also must be clear about the terms of payment. You can provide this under the invoice information. For example, you will accept some payment terms such as cash, PayPal, credit card, and also check.

The last step in writing a basic receipt template is to provide the items of services or products. You can serve it in chart, table, list, etc. Anyway, make sure that you include some details of information. You need to include services or products, date, quantity, rate or price, hours, subtotal & grand total.

From the prices or costs inputted above, you can calculate and get the total amount of money the client should pay. Total amount is gotten from price, tax, discount, and any other detail of cost. To make the total amount stand out, you can use highlight or bold.

If there is any additional information, you also need to add it. For example, it is a good idea to say thank to the clients in entrusting you for the services or products. Before you print it out, you need to check it again. If there is any error, you can edit it before.

That is the rule of basic invoice template. Now, you can make an invoice based on your own business. Some of the examples are such as restaurant invoice, taxi invoice, sales invoice, rent invoice, etc.